Mind Body


The Course for Every Body

Hosted By Sandy C. Newbigging

Special Guest Expert David R Hamilton PhD

Learn how to listen to the body for diagnosis, healing and empowerment.

Course Intro:

The Body Speaks the Mind…

The mind-body connection is scientifically-proven, but how is it impacting your health, your capacity to heal, and even your potential to prevent health problems? This course will answer these questions and more.

After twenty years working with hundreds of clients to discover and resolve the mind-body connection causes of health conditions, this is my first course of its kind.

If someone tells me what’s going on in their body, I can usually predict what’s been going on in their mind, and visa-versa. During this course, I will reveal the common mind-body connection causes, and provide ways to diagnose the mind-body connection causes of health concerns.

Imagine how empowering it would be, if you could know what the body is trying to tell you via the health conditions it creates? Join me to learn how to listen to the body for diagnosis, healing and empowerment.

Why Attend?

Course Benefits:

Understand how the mind is impacting the body

Learn how the body effects thoughts & emotions

Be able to tune into what the body is saying

Diagnose the mind-body causes of conditions

Support the body’s natural healing processes

Befriend the body & access its profound wisdom

Approach healing from a holistic perspective

This course focuses on diagnosis, rather than healing methods. If you are already a qualified therapist or practitioner, I am offering an affordable certification upgrade so you can use what you learn with clients.

“Sandy shares insights and wisdom about how the mind and body connect, and teaches us powerful tools for reducing the effects of stress on our bodies.”

David R Hamilton PhD

(Review for Sandy’s Body Calm Book)

This course is for you if…

You have a personal interest in the mind-body connection, along with integrative health and holistic healing.

You are currently experiencing one or more health condition(s) and believe there may be a mind-body connection cause.

You feel stuck on your healing journey and would like to explore the possible mental or emotional causes of your health issue(s).

You are interested in ways to ‘future-proof’ and empower your health.

You are a therapist, coach, holistic health practitioner, and want additional ways to support your clients who present health conditions.

Even if you never intend to professionally use what you will learn, this course will be beneficial to you personally - on many levels.

Disclaimer: This course is for educational purposes only. Medical advice is not given. Sandy always recommends an integrative health strategy including both conventional and alternative methods.

Health Empowerment

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Special Guest Expert

David R. Hamilton PhD

David will be joining us for one of our live seminars to talk about the scientific studies proving the mind-body connection, and answer your questions.

After completing his PhD in organic chemistry, David worked in R&D in the pharmaceutical industry, developing drugs for cardiovascular disease and cancer. Inspired by the placebo effect, and how some people's conditions would improve because they believed a placebo was a real drug, he left the industry to write books and educate people in how they can harness their mind and emotions to improve their mental and physical health.

David is the author of 11 books, including ‘How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body'. He is also a magazine columnist, a regular podcast guest, and has been a featured guest on CBS Sunday Morning in the USA, as well as on numerous BBC radio shows.

He’s delivered talks for Google, 3M, Bank of England, HSBC, NHS, Electrolux, Diageo, Costa, and many others. David is the honorary scientific advisor for the charity, 52 Lives, which helps people in need through acts of kindness.

“What Sandy teaches is a real gift for anyone wishing to use their mind–body connection to aid their healing journey.”

Dr Phil Parker

(Review for Sandy’s Body Calm Book)

What’s Covered?

Topics include:

★ Scientific Studies - Proving the mind-body connection. This part of the course will be delivered by guest expert Dr David R. Hamilton.

★ Mirrors & Messages - How the body mirrors the mind & visa-versa & the symbolic nature of the mind-body communications.

★ Beyond Symptoms - How to listen to ‘hear’ the hidden causes.

★ Clarifying the Cause - Including Past Events, Reasons & Conflicts.

★ Trauma & Health - The impact of intergenerational & early-life trauma on physical health & how to uncover possible trauma causes.

★ Emotional Messages - The hidden messages from our emotions.

★ A-Z Directories - How to use Sandy’s directories listing the mind-body connection causes of issues relating to the body parts, organs, 12 systems of the body, 5 senses & over 100 health conditions.

Course Registration

Dates, Times, Price etc.

6 x Live Seminar Webinars With Sandy

6pm* UK (10am pst/1pm est)

Attend via Zoom from anywhere.

Replays will be available if you can’t attend the live broadcasts. You can also submit questions in advance and Sandy will answer them for you during the webinars.

Seminar meetings last up to 2 hours - including a 10 minute break

8 May

15 May

22 May

29 May

5 June

12 June

The course has started, but you can still join us and access all of the replays and resources.

This course has been designed for personal-use and benefit, with an optional upgrade to receive certification.


6 x Webinars with Sandy & Downloadable Manual.

Lifetime Access to Course Replays and Resources.

Access to a Private Telegram Group - to Share and Ask Questions.

All Replays and Resources Will Be In Our Private ‘Connections Hub’ website.

Price: £565 +VAT* (£995)

Optional Certification Upgrade = £345 +VAT

Submit exam & case studies to receive Mind-Body Connections certification.

*20% VAT added for UK-based students.

You will receive an email with all access info - after you register.

“Sandy gives us a sacred, practical roadmap that leads us back into our body and back into an awareness of the healing forces we all contain.”

Meggan Watterson

(Review for Sandy’s Body Calm Book)

Meet Sandy

Sandy is a therapeutic coach, mind-body connection expert, creator of Mind Detox and Calmology, award-winning coach trainer and bestselling author.

Personal Invitation From Sandy:

Conventional approaches to healing chronic conditions can fail to deliver long-term benefits because they often only treat the surface-level physical symptoms rather than resolve the deeper underlying mental and emotional causes. Ignoring the underlying causes is a bit like attempting to flatten a turbulent river without removing the jagged rocks sitting below the surface. You can try all you like, but without removing the rocks it is going to make very little difference in the long run.

The mind and body are very much one. As a result, physical problems don’t necessarily have purely physical causes. Due to the scientifically proven mind–body connection, unresolved emotional events and mental beliefs can also cause physical problems.

I believe ‘every body’ needs to know what will be sharing during this course - as it can not only be life-changing - to know what you’re body is trying to tell you - but it can also be life-saving!

Mind Body


The Course for Every Body by the Award-Winning Mind Detox Academy