Mind-Body Connection Causes of Colds & Flu

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[Updated : 2021 | First Published : 2017]

Are you concerned about ‘catching’ a cold, flu or virus, and want to remain more physically strong and resilient? Keep reading to gain a more empowered mindset towards bacteria and viruses, and learn about the possible mind-body connection causes of colds and flu…

On average, around 20% of the U.S. population - approx. 75,000,000 people (!!!) will end up with a common cold or flu most years (source). With similar percentages showing up in other western countries. Furthermore, although stats vary, if prone to catching these symptoms, the average adult can expect 2-4 colds or flu each year. So what can be done to help us reduce symptoms, not suffer, or live in fear?

Although there is an array of possible reasons for why people experience these unpleasant conditions, through my research into the mind-body connection, I've come across a number of lifestyle causes of the common cold and flu. In this article, I will share what these lesser-known causes are, and why we may not want to aim to avoid them - at all costs - and instead, appreciate the upside of these physical symptoms.

Firstly, what's the difference between a cold and flu? 

Medical research states that colds and flu are caused by viruses, with both being primarily respiratory infections. Here's a quick run down of the differing symptoms: 

COMMON COLD SYMPTOMS:  Runny or blocked nose, sore throat, sneezing, cough, headache or body aches, low-level tiredness. Symptoms usually come on gradually and are gone within 7-10 days.

INFLUENZA (FLU) SYMPTOMS:  Dry/hacking cough, moderate to high fever (not everyone with a flu will have a fever), sore throat, shaking chills, severe muscle or body aches, headache, stuffy and running nose, severe fatigue, nausea and vomiting (most common in children). Symptoms usually come on more quickly and can be severe, usually lasting between 1 to 2 weeks. 

To determine which one you may have, as a general guide, take into account the speed at which the symptoms occur (slow = cold, quick = flu), how tired you feel (low-level = cold, high-level = flu), or if you are running a fever (high temperature + shaking/chills = flu). If in doubt or concerned, consult a medical practitioner. 


Are viruses the ultimate cause of colds, flu and illnesses?

In the 19th century, a French chemist called Louis Pasteur came up with the Germ Theory of Disease, which ended up shaping a massive part of the modern medicine mind-set. He suggested that it was the microorganisms that invaded humans and other living hosts that caused illness and disease.

In quick succession, a majority of the medical authorities accepted this proposition and it became a common explanation for why people got sick and shaped the mass use of medicines such as antibiotics ever since. This is despite Louis Pasteur himself acknowledging before his own death that his theory was, in fact, wrong. In the end, Louis quite rightly, in my opinion, concluded that germs or viruses could not cause infection without an underlying reason that was already present within the inner terrain of the body.

Louis’ late realisation makes much more sense, especially when you take into account the fact that not everyone, when exposed to the same bacteria or viruses, for example, end up getting sick. Saying that, I can also appreciate why his original theory was so popular, perpetuated by the point that where there is illness there is often also microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses present.

Nevertheless, to blame bacteria or viruses as the ultimate cause, simply because they tend to be present where there is ‘perceived illness’, is perhaps a misguided assumption. Doing so is the equivalent of blaming fires on firemen. Yes, where there are fires there tend to be firemen, however, it is clear that the presence of firemen doesn’t mean they are causing the fires – quite the opposite! Similarly, just because bacteria or viruses, for example, are present in the body in close proximity to where there appears to be illness, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are the ultimate cause.

Viruses are the most numerous organisms on earth. While we are thought to have roughly the same number of bacterial cells as human cells in our body (around 37 trillion), we probably have at least 10 times as many virus particles again. Many of these viruses are involved in essential bodily processes, forming part of our inner ecosystem.
— Science Focus, March 2021

Viruses form our inner eco-system and are vital to health. For example, some viruses break down the toxic residue in cells, essentially creating a ‘toxic waste’, which in turn stimulates the body into its essential detoxification processes. (This in part explains why some people ‘get sick’ with a virus and others don’t - it depends on if the body needs to detox, or not.)

What this means is that just because a virus is present in the body, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is always a bad thing. What if viruses exist to help us? It is very empowering to play with the possibility that we don’t need to live in fear of ‘catching the next virus going around’ and that we can help to reduce the severity of the natural (and healthy) side-effects of viruses - by ensuring we have a calm and clean physical terrain.


Are colds and flu symptoms a side-effect of detox?

Imagine crystal clear spring water flowing down a mountainside stream. If you were to drink from it, you’d find the water cleansing, nourishing and life supporting. Now, consider what happens to the water if it becomes stuck and stagnant. Over time it becomes toxic. The same water, which was once pristine, cleansing and beneficial for the body, is now poisonous.

I believe something similar happens within the body when we are stressed over a prolonged period of time. The body is an energetic system that is designed to remain healthy - as long as its energy is able to flow free and is not overly stressed. However, when it becomes blocked and tense, this can cause a host of physical reactions including an upsurge in toxicity that can eventually be harmful to health.

As toxicity levels increase, so does our susceptibility to getting ‘sick’. At the cellular level, excess toxicity can be destructive, leading to the decay and weakening of the cells and making them more prone to disease. Furthermore, when the body reaches its toxic limits, it gets stimulated into doing what it can to survive. The body protects itself by surrounding toxins with fat cells and then moving them away from the essential organs, mainly to the bottom, tummy, legs and the backs of the arms, so leading to weight gain. Other less obvious symptoms of excess toxicity include inflammation, skin conditions, foggy-headedness and lethargy (so if you have any of these physical symptoms, then it may be a sign that your body could benefit from a detox).

Another way the body protects itself is by releasing the toxins through the mechanisms and passageways of elimination. It uses the detoxification organs, including the liver and the kidneys, to release the build-up through symptoms like colds, the flu and diarrhoea to name a few examples of detox symptoms. Many of the physical symptoms that people are dealing with today are, in my opinion, are the body’s valiant attempts to protect itself by releasing toxins. Knowing the underlying mind-body connection causes of colds and flu, which I am about to share below, your self-healing strategy becomes simple: Do all that you can to help your body to be subjected to less stressed, reduce its toxic load, and cultivate an energy-abundant inner climate.

When confronted with physical symptoms like a cold or flu, which are often uncomfortable or inconvenient, we often follow the societal norms that we’ve been taught; by reaching for a potion or a pill to deal with the discomfort. This quick-fix mind-set of stopping the symptoms, combined with the belief that the detox symptoms are ‘bad’, often work to suppress the symptoms and restricts the body’s attempts to detox.

When we are stressed we become tense, which restricts the movement of energy within our system and negatively impacts the toxicity levels within the body. The brain orchestrates the release of a concoction of stress chemicals, which prevents the cells from functioning properly and compromises their ability to take in proteins and eliminate toxins. This means that during prolonged periods of stress, at a cellular level, the body becomes increasingly toxic and is slowly starved of the nutrients it needs to sustain life. With this understanding, it can become evident that bacteria and viruses are not necessarily the ‘cause’ we should be concerned about, and that we need to look at ways to reduce stress and improve the inner terrain of the body, if we want to reduce the severity of the natural detox symptoms and remain well.


Common Causes of Colds and Flu

I've been researching the mind-body-life connection for over a decade, worked with hundreds of people via one:one sessions, and written books on the subject - my Body Calm and Calm Cure books include directories of the most common mind-based lifestyle causes for over 100 physical conditions. I believe our mindset, emotions and how we perceive and relate to our life circumstances combine to play a major role in how healthy we are and the kinds of physical conditions we end up experiencing. [I am not saying there are no physical causes to physical conditions. I am recommending an integrative health strategy.] 

Read through the following common mind-body connection causes of the common cold and flu [they are similar but different enough to warrant tackling separately] and see if any of them resonate with you:


Overwhelmed, overworking, fast-paced non-stop living, uncertainty, confusion, need to escape external negativity

∞∞∞ Previous to someone 'catching' the common cold, they have usually been feeling overwhelmed. There's just been way too much to do and/or they've been questioning/concerned about how they can get it all done. Colds are usually preceded by a fast-pace/non-stop schedule. It's been relentless; moving from one thing to the next. Or they have been experiencing chronic uncertainty or confusion that has remained unresolved, bringing with it underlying angst and tension. On some occasions, something they were worried about has recently been resolved (and the cold symptoms are the body detoxing after a period of stress). Or they've been feeling the need to escape/get away from some kind of external environmental negativity, either from a relationship, workplace or the wider-world.

Relate to any of these? If yes then you want to resolve them now before you get a cold! 


Slow down, do less and give your mind and body some well-deserved rest before taking time off is forced upon you. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, recognise that you can only do one thing at a time. Make a list and work through it at a calm and comfortable pace. Look at your list and ask 'What is absolutely necessary?'. For now, focus on doing the necessary, don't resist the length of the list or be attached to getting it all done. This should remove items from your list and free up time and space. 

If you've been overworking, remember that you are more effective and life is more enjoyable if you have the energy and focus that comes from regular rest. See time off as equally important as time working. Give yourself regular guilt-free breaks during the day and give yourself the permission to do absolutely nothing a few times every week. Ideally, incorporate meditation into your daily routine: 10-20 minutes of closed-eye meditating in the morning and evening can work wonders at making life feel easier.

If the cold happened after you resolved something that had caused a period of prolonged stress i.e. a big deadline, a house move or renovation etc, then it is wise to resolve the reasons why that thing in your life caused stress. If something similar happens again in the future, you won't end up stressed and sick again.

If you are feeling uncertain or confused, then make a list of what you are certain about in your life. If you use my Body Calm meditation technique, use the 'I AM SECURE' Calm Thought with your eyes open throughout your day. If you are confused about certain things, share your confusion with a friend or trained professional (coach, therapist etc.) who can help shine light on any issue that's been playing on your mind.

And if you are encountering negativity in your external environment, whether that be your home or workplace, for example, then it's time to stop taking it on board. My Calm Cure technique is great for getting peace with external life events. If possible, also remove yourself from the situation (physically and/or energetically). If this doesn't seem possible, don't forget you always have a choice as to what you do and where you are. [If you want extra support getting peace with challenging life events, get in touch for some one-to-one Sessions.]

Affirm during your day +/or when meditating: ' I am safe when I slow down and rest.'



Feeling weak and/or vulnerable, too much external negativity, running on empty, fear, concerning world events, finding it hard to carry responsibilities, wanting to get away from it all, needing to justify taking time off/getting away. 

∞∞∞ Previous to someone 'getting' the flu, they've usually been feeling mentally and emotionally weak or vulnerable. There is often an undercurrent of fear, and there’s been some kind of concern over their external world. But instead of acknowledging it and doing something about it, they've relentlessly kept up with the day-to-day responsibilities (which they've been finding hard to carry). Or they've been feeling there's way too much external negativity going on. They've want to get away from it all, but haven't felt they can (usually due to self-love / self-worth issues or by believing they are a victim to circumstance, with no choice). Due to feeling a victim to 'heavy' responsibilities, they've ended up needing to require an excuse to justify taking time off and/or getting away from the environmental negativity i.e. by getting ‘sick’.

This tendency to get sick in order to get out of doing things they don't want, usually starts at school - when they only got a day off if they were sick. It's a learnt behaviour and a successful strategy as far as the body is concerned because if they get sick, it gets rest and is able to hide away and relax for a while. 

Relate to any of these? If yes then it's wise to resolve them now before you experience flu symptoms! 


Take back your power, recognise you always have a choice and that you are stronger and more capable that you may think.

Make a list of the times in your life that you have shown strength and proven you are capable of facing anything that life brings. The fact that you are reading this is proof enough that you have successfully survived EVERYTHING that's happened in your life so far. This is evidence that you are strong and capable. Breathe into that knowing now. If you've been finding it hard to carry responsibilities, then be super attentive to when you go into your head thinking about everything you believe you are responsible for. This is a mind-made story and if you engage this poor-me 'I can't do it' mentality, it can make life feel heavy and hard to deal with. But if you make it a priority to live more in the present moment, you will see that life is only inviting you to do one thing at a time.

Be mindful of how much news you watch/read, how much you think about world events, and how it makes you feel if you do over-think about ‘all the terrible things’ happening ‘out there’ in the ‘big bad world’. The world is a beautiful place, filled with beautiful kind people. Don’t believe the media when it tries to convince you otherwise!

Similar to the common cold, you need to give yourself permission to have time off without needing the excuse of being ill. Know that you are worthy of rest and that the world won't end if you don't keep all of your plates spinning. Ultimately, it is the ego that keeps you running for your life because it believes everything will collapse if you have a day off. It won't. Be willing to share responsibilities, delegate where possible and let people know you are having some 'me' time. If they have a problem with it, it is their problem, not yours, and usually just need you to have a ‘heart-to-heart’ vulnerable conversation with them to help them understand.

Affirm during your day +/or when meditating: 'I it safe to take time for myself to rest and let go of extra responsibilities.'

SANDY'S PERSONAL EXPERIENCE : If I ever feel the onset of cold or flu symptoms, I first check whether any of these common mind-body connection causes have been playing out in my life - without me realising. (Hint: They usually have been!). I then take immediate action to rectify things. I aim to bring back more balance between work/play and doing/being. I also ensure I have a healthier relationship with whatever has been going on in my life i.e. I am calmly coexisting with the deadline, workload, expectations, responsibilities etc. (See Calm Cure book for more on how to do this).

As I believe in taking an integrated approach to health, I also make sure I take more walks in fresh air, eat more food that’s been made by mother-nature (not in a factory with loads of extra ‘stuff’ in it), and up my intake of supplements. Since being proactive with this integrative strategy to prevent/heal a cold or flu, symptoms rarely last beyond a day or two (at most) and the frequency of falling ill has fallen massively. Give it a go and see for yourself the healing power of being positively proactive rather than just popping pills! 


Sandy C. Newbigging is a coaching and meditation expert, award-winning speaker, bestselling Hay House author and creator of Calmology. 

Sandy has meditated for thousands of hours and done thousands of hours of clinical practice using his Calmology techniques. Giving him a unique ability to help people get to the heart of their issues to 'heal the hidden cause' and experience 'peace with life' via his easy-to-use and understand teachings and techniques. 


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